Atom Bomb and Hydrogen Bomb!!!!!!!

We have seen the devastating power of nuclear bomb during World War II (1939-45). We all know about their enormous destructive power. During World War II, in August 1945, two nuclear fission bombs were dropped on Japan. The first nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, followed by the second on Nagasaki, on August 9, 1945. These are the most destructive weapons ever created.
What is the principle behind the nuclear bomb?
There are two types of nuclear bombs- fusion bombs and fission bombs. Fusion means to merge and fission to break apart.
In nuclear fission, the nucleus of an unstable atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei and releases a tremendous amount of energy in the process. The energetic output of nuclear fission is used by atomic bombs to produce a massive explosion. Uranium and Plutonium are radioactive elements. They have unstable nuclei which are the cause of their radioactivity. When a neutron strikes the Uranium-235 isotope nucleus, it results in the splitting of the nucleus into fragments and releases a large amount of energy. During this process, three new neutrons are released. Out of these three neutrons, two are either lost or absorbed by Uranium-238, as a result of which they do not continue the reaction. The other remaining neutron continues the reaction by again striking the U-235 to release a new neutron, and the process continues. This results in a nuclear chain reaction. And this chain reaction causes a nuclear explosion. Atomic bombs use nuclear fission or atom splitting. 

In nuclear fusion, two lighter nuclei fuse together and form a heavy nucleus in the process. It releases a tremendous amount of energy as well. It is the reverse of nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion takes place inside the Sun. Hydrogen atoms are fused together to make helium. Nuclear fusion reaction only happens at high pressure and high temperature. Hydrogen bombs use nuclear fusion. Hydrogen bombs also called as thermonuclear bombs. Hydrogen bombs generate a tremendous amount of energy from the nuclear fusion of Deuterium and Tritium (the isotopes of hydrogen).

The high temperature and pressure conditions that are required for the nuclear fusion reaction are produced by the detonation of an atomic bomb. When two hydrogen nuclei fuse to form heavier helium, there is a loss of a small amount of mass (about 0.63%). According to Albert Einstein’s equation E = mc2, the amount of energy created is equal to the speed of light squared multiplied by the amount of mass that is converted. This is the reason why hydrogen bomb produces a large amount of energy from upon explosion. Therefore hydrogen bombs are more powerful than the relatively simpler atomic bombs.

The difference between atomic bombs vs hydrogen bombs.

Thermonuclear bomb, code-named Mike, detonated in the Marshall Islands in November 1952.

An estimate of the size of the damage caused by the 16 kt and 22 kt atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Who has the nuclear bombs?
1.     The United States
2.      UK
3.      Russia
4.      China
5.      France
6.      India
7.      Pakistan
8.      North-Korea
All these countries accept that they have a nuclear arsenal. Many countries believe that Israel also has a nuclear arsenal but Israel does not admit to it.

Written by:

Kanchan Ramteke

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